Monday, October 22, 2018

Weekly Update - Baby in a pumpkin, Fall Weather, Sniffles

One day I will stop posting a million pictures of Marli. 


Marli's had a little cold this past week, so we spent a lot of time snuggling...

And drinking our water...

And when she seemed a bit better, spent lots of time enjoying this GORGEOUS fall weather.

Even braved a walk to the Tigard library! LOVE the Fanno Creek Trail... I'm sure I was QUITE the sight pushing an empty stroller with Marli strapped to my chest....she's quite opinionated about the stroller sometimes hahaha

FOODS THIS WEEK! Working on those fine motor skills...

Greek yogurt, applesauce, pb toast, bananas...


Chicken, cheese, apples, crackers...

This girl LOVES meat! We made mini meatloaves and she ate an ENTIRE MEATBALL.

If anyone out there actually reads this and has advice for taming this hair (HARE)... PLEASE SEND HAAAALP! I am still sprouting. Everywhere. Like a fluffy porcupine. Or a chia pet.

Weekends are always the best because we get more time with daddy. This weekend was spent with the Nielsens...carving pumpkins...putting babies in pumpkins...park playing...Sherwood ward Oktoberfest...

These two... my heart is SO FULL for them...

And I finally snapped some 8 month pictures. HOW IS THIS TIME GOING SO FAST?!

Feeling so full of gratitude lately.

My world and influence is pretty small, but it consists of the humans I love most. Being a wife and a mother makes me happier than uninterrupted sleep, glamorous hairstyles, CONVENIENCE, and emotional stability (HA!).

My Evan and my Marli consistently help me realize what matters most. There's nothing I would rather do than spend my days with this little girl. I LOVE BEING A MOM, especially hers.

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