Because WHERE ELSE would you eat ice cream than at Nana's?!
This little girl sure is beloved...
Holidays are SO MUCH MORE FUN with a little one in the house!
We wanted more time with Aunt B and her kiddos, so we made another trip to Nana's with our dear friend Mica and her little Avalie! Mica drove while I sat in the back with a bag of tricks for our little ones.
Nana snuck Marli an ENTIRE OREO...
Taylor can (PLEASE!!!!) come play with us for as many weeks as you'll part with her, B!! She is going to make SUCH a good babysitter.
Poked around an old bookstore for a bit...decided we need to come back on a day when we can stay a few extra HOURS...
Sherwood Homecoming parade!
Met up with the Nielsen's at the park...
CRAZY postpartum hair regrowth. I feel like a lion.
Visits to daddy at work are full of alllllllll kinds of fun sounds!
Our nights have been filled with a LOT of's that half marathon training going, babe?! hehehe
Been carrying her sippy with her everywhere lately...
This crocheted dress from Aunt Debbie finally fits her! CANNOT BELIEVE IT... I remember thinking it was HUGE when she first gave it to us....
OH MY HEART... How we love these dear friends of ours... wishing time would slow down because this mama will MISS them...
They made us pumpkin curry soup and bread and cookies and played games with us, EVEN with all my smack talk. I think they're keepers.
Some big things from this week...
- Invitation to interview at North Carolina's Campbell University...
- Channeled my "inner B" and met a new friend at WINCO of all places. We're meeting at a coffee shop later this week...
- I let an old guy help me load my groceries onto the belt at Winco. I'm slowly learning that if people in public offer to help you, unless they look creepy or something, LET THEM HELP! ESPECIALLY if you're juggling a baby! And even MORE especially if it'll just be more awkward if you DON'T let them help, because it's quite obvious that you DO need help, you're just too stubborn to ask for it...I actually had a pleasant conversation with this guy and his wife. Never know what friends you might meet...maybe sometimes the greatest act of service you can do for someone is to LET SOMEONE HELP YOU. We're all in this messy life together together anyway. I'd rather be genuinely LOVED than just admired, and I think that entails showing up during the messy parts of life, admitting it's messy, and allowing others to help. MAN the magic of WINCO huh?! hahaha
- MARLI IS 8 MONTHS OLD TODAY. That's 3/4ths of a year folks... WHERE IS THE TIME GOING?!!
Love it!!! I especially love the last part - when someone offers help - accept it. Sometimes it’s more of a hassle for you, but it may mean the world to the person that offered. Love you!!