Thursday, October 3, 2019

MYRTLE BEACH! (September Recap)

Some favorite foods this month...

We're loving oranges over here lately.

AND PEACHES. At this point, Marli has officially eaten more than I have of these beauties. I usually get stuck with the skins. She LOVES THEM!

Leftover Cheesecake Factory desserts from Mama and Dada's date night.
We have the greatest neighbors ever. We just trade baby monitors take turns going out for the evening! Have only been able to do it once so far with how busy Evan has been, but it was SO NEEDED.

"Patta" of course

Man, Mama must love her to share even her ice cream treats...

Apple cinnamon muffins...trying to feel some semblance of it being FALL. But it's hard when it's been HUMID and in the 90s still.

Still getting the hang of how to hold and eat a sandwich

LOVES "patah"

Making sure I teach her the finer things in life...
Like digging.

Discovered a new homemade ice cream place that we LOVE. Sunni Skies!

Marli and I's newest favorite pastime has been cooking together! 

This was one Sunday - sleepy Dada...
Marli had escaped with a corn after we shucked it...

Tasting "butta"


And...just to keep things real... We've had a LOT of scorched pans over here lately. Let's just say I'm still getting the hang of cooking meat. Usually I would have Evan do it, but he's been so busy with school...

Labor Day spent at a Country Club pool that we have access to since Evan's a medical student.
So grateful to have other families in the same boat as us - we all just met here to play while our husband's stayed home to study.

There is something unbelievably gratifying about putting finishing putting together furniture... again...something Evan usually would have done. 
Marli LOVES her little table and kitchen - we spend a good portion of every day playing with them.

Weekly story time at the library...

Marli has really befriended the little boy living next door to us. She will frequently escape from our chalking or water playing to go over - by herself - to knock on his door.

Coloring the neighbor boy a picture after hearing he had an "owie." She was so worried about him and kept repeating his name to me ALL DAY. We finally settled on coloring and dropping off a picture, and that seemed to calm her down. Aren't little ones so perceptive??

Turned around for 5 seconds and all of a sudden she was IN the suds...she sat down soon after this pic!

It's been SO HOT, so we don't venture out for too long... and when we do, it's usually in the morning, and it usually involves water

Have I mentioned that we LOVE OUR LANDLORDS?! Marli looks outside the window anytime she hears noises for Fred and "Kick" (Kit)

OH how we cherish the minutes we get with Dada every day! We so love him!

Still getting used to the "wildlife." FROGS EVERYWHERE!

And lizards!

Lots of rice mixing while Mama's in work meetings

Calls "Pa-pa" (Grandpa) on anything resembling a phone...
This one is a computer mouse

This Brown Bear, Brown Bear book has been a recent favorite...but lately she only looks at it long enough to find the "Mama" page

Celebrated with a quick weekend getaway on Myrtle Beach!

SO many turtles

Marli did WONDERFULLY in the hotel.
Even took a TWO HOUR NAP (this never NEVER NEVER happens) after spending all morning playing on the beach!

Her little baby doll from Nana helped her warm up to the idea of getting "duuurrrtteee" in the sand...
And splashing in the waves!

Helloooooooo third trimester!
Please tell me the swelling goes down soon after birth...this pregnancy is SO DIFFERENT than Marli's!

She's discovered (and fallen in love with) roley poley bugs (and looks for them while "rolling" her arms - haha!

Park days!

Can you believe this was just LAST YEAR?!

And now?! We must LIVE UP the last couple days of Evan's break!


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