Monday, September 2, 2019


So much has happened this month...can you believe August is over already?!

Enjoyed our last few boat days...Marli LOVES the water and frequently tried to just climb in!

LOTS of fresh peaches, tomatoes, and ice cream this month!

Oh. And noodles!

She's started eating cereal in her own bowl. Cherrios with "uneeeeee" (honey)

Marli and Lissy (or "Ki-Ki" as she's been calling her lately). I love this.

Just helping with the shopping...

We already miss Costco Saturdays with Grammy and Grandpa.

And Ri-Ri. When I first get Marli from her crib in the morning, she STILL says "shhhhh! Ri-Ri!" (because back in Oregon Riley would still be sleeping when we got up)

Funny story about this one...there's a MASSIVE spider in this jar called a house spider. The day before this one was caught, I stepped out of the bathroom for MAYBE 5 seconds to grab Marli a clean towel after sticking her in the bathtub. When I came back to the bathroom, she was holding what I first thought was a mass of brown thread. UNTIL that thread started MOVING and it was actually HUGE SPIDER LEGS!! I FREAKED OUT. Scared my mama heart silly. Made my parents come get the spider. We didn't end up taking a bath that night. 
This picture is of ANOTHER of the same type of spider. Apparently they're a problem at the daycare Riley works at? Anyway, Riley's attempting to undo a bit of the trauma I think I instilled in Marli from my reaction the night before...


We were so fortunate to have some car DVD players passed along to us by another family in the Sherwood ward. We practiced using them on a trip to Lincoln City this past month, and I think we'll use them a bit here in North Carolina, too. Everything is SO spread out here!

Checking out Nan and Pop's "Catio!" I want one...for kids!

For WEEKS, ever since Evan ordered some at the Cheesecake Factory, I'd been thinking about fish and chips. FINALLY got some at J's while in LC - THANK YOU, POP for waiting in the horrendous line for me!

Such an unexpected treat to spend some extra time with Grandpa King! They've been traveling quite a bit lately, so we haven't seen much of them. He was passing through to snag a lathe that my Pop no longer needed. 


Started becoming interested in helping to clean while there...

Enjoyed the last few days in Grammy's backyard.

The cleaning has continued! She likes to have a turn vacuuming and sweeping too before I take over...

We found out Marli's having a SISTER! SO surprised - this pregnancy has still had it's rough moments, but it's overall been SO MUCH BETTER than Marli's pregnancy. 

Celebrated with the balloons for awhile afterwards...

Happy 10th birthday, Charley!!

And sometimes...when you're a sicko, and you have a toddler, you spend some extra time snuggled on the couch, and count down the hours until bedtime.

While we don't watch much TV, we DID utilize it a bit the last couple weeks as I've been in training for a new job! I'm now a remote health coach for Noom, and I LOVE IT!

This gal LOVES THE WATER. Fed the ducks and explored a new splash pad with Grammy!


Just like her daddy...Marli is still LOVING her "skins"

Got to see Grandpa King one more time before heading out - wish we could have seen Grandma King, too! 

Marli did SO GREAT on the plane! Such a huge help to have Grammy to help distract.

OH HOW I WISH I captured the first moment that Marli ACTUALLY spotted Evan in the airport (the below video is an attempt at recreating it - haha!). She TOOK OFF - I don't think she even saw Evan when she started running, she just heard that I said "There's Dada - go get him!" Left arm swinging and everything. 
How we missed him.

Our new home! (one on the left)

Love the green space behind our duplex - we've spent lots of time here already!

Loves looking for "meow" in our backyard...

These little green frogs are EVERYWHERE, and Marli loves trying to catch them! One even fell from up ahead when we entered the church last week.

(THANK YOU, GRAMMY for sitting with her! First time in a LONG TIME I got to sit with just Evan for a whole hour!)

"Pinkie" has been renamed "Buckie" by Marli

Our favorite restaurant here so far - The Mason Jar. There are several things Evan wants to try on the menu, which is HUGE for him (usually he sticks to one thing).

Can you tell she LOVES pasta? And that we love watching her eat it?! Haha!

Missing her so, so much already. We love you, Grammy!

So nice to be back with Dada. If we're lucky, we even get a couple minutes after dinner with him before he has to hit the books again...


I didn't have a CLUE what humidity was before coming's SO HOT. We try to get outside when it isn't too miserable out, but it's usually for just a few minutes at a time!

Southern rain storms have started! Apparently there's been some talk that we might have pieces of the hurricane passing through this week, too...

Not the same as Grammy's backyard, but still good.

Frog huntin.

Pro tip: if you REALLY need to get outside, and it's miserably hot out, get to the shade, dump ALL YOUR ICE in your water table, and eat popsicles. Oh, and for a really fun treat, dye the water with food coloring!

After Grammy left, we found some Oreos hiding in our freezer...Made sure to share some with Bucky!

When you have a work meeting, and need some quick entertainment...Marli LOVES this container of rice!

And also coloring! (Being in the highchair helps contain the coloring to the paper...we're still working on that part...)

We've only had Bluebell ice cream in the local grocery stores here...and in a late night moment of hormones and exhaustion and pregnancy and homesickness, I drove AN HOUR away from home in an attempt to find Tillamook. And when I saw this... I BROKE DOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ISLE.
A store employee even asked if he could help me with anything...HA!
Better believe I bought all the Mudslide they had, plus some Mint Chocolate Chip for Evan...

Guess Marli will have to finish off our Bluebell so more room can be made for Tillamook...
Oh darn...


And so, here we are! In the land of the Campbell Camels. So grateful for the friends we have made already, and for the love and help we've received from family back home. Couldn't do it without you guys. WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!
Here's to a new adventure!

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