Tuesday, April 23, 2019


We had the happiest of Easters!
(Picture of flowers in Kaci's yard. The prettiest ever.)

This little babe is the real MVP. She puts up with Marli's lovin, even when it's a little...overbearing.

Kitchen play! Marli spent close to a half hour passing different foods for E to grab...she even got a few of them!

Sometimes we stay in our jammies for most of the morning and read lots of books...


Charley has been busy at work this week building his own bow and arrow - it's pretty impressive!

Totally meant to take a picture, caught this short belly laugh instead. We've been spending lots of time running around and throwing balls on the porch lately.

Salmon and little smokies were favorites this week.

Bites from Grammy...learning to blow on hot foods..

Oh and PEARS! She CHOWED them! Cutest elephant mat from Grandma and Grandpa King.

Taking advantage of the warmer weather!

Marli and Jack like to trade who gets to hold the stick and run away.

Yes, she's licking the flower pot.

Hahahahahahahahaha TRUTH. Case in point:

My life has forever changed. That little corner of the leather couch with the ottoman pushed against it used to be a safe place for me to lay the little baby down for a minute while I tended to something else...MARLI HAS LEARNED HOW TO CLIMB ONTO THE COUCH. And lately she's been attempting to get down by climbing over the top of it. HOW DO THEY COME UP WITH THESE THINGS?!

Evan's dad made us gorgonzola burgers on the 4th of July last year, and we've been talking about them since...so, at Evan's request, he made them again! SO GOOD.

What's a night at the King's without a little Rook?! (We're gearing up for you, Riley and Brandon! haha)

Love these two.

Quick trip to the mall, and Marli spotted the giant bunny suit guy and said "OOOOOOOOOH! BUB!!" (what she calls her stuffed bunny). 

Shenanigans at Killer Burger...pretty sure Evan would eat here 3 times a week and be okay with it.


EASTER CELEBRATING! First with the King kiddos

Yes, Evan is dropping eggs DIRECTLY in front of Marli...and then she stepped on one...why worry about more eggs when already eating CHOCOLATE?!

THRILL SEEKER. All the way. 

And Easter Sunday!

Easter dinner with the King fam!

Happy Easter! HE IS RISEN! In a world that can feel uncertain and scary, I am SO GRATEFUL for the hope, peace, direction and JOY that I find in my Savior, Jesus Christ. 

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