Funny story...Evan snapped this picture with my phone when he came home from work shortly after leaving to drop something off, but I didn't know he had come home. Normally I'm a VERY light sleeper. The fact that I didn't hear the truck rumble outside, or Evan INSIDE the bedroom is crazy! Found this picture on my phone later in the day and was FREAKED OUT because I knew Evan had left for work prior to me sleeping...haha
First candid pic where I can see a LITTLE of me in my Marli!
Bought a 22lb box of peaches, and before canning them, we had to have a little fun...
Canned them at night once Marli went to sleep, and thankfully Evan helped. It's a BIG JOB! But I LOVED IT! There's nothing so satisfying as the little "pops" that the lids make when they seal after you take them out of the canner...except perhaps the actual peach butter we made. I WOULD BATHE IN IT. SO SO SO GOOD!
This man is sure loved by his girls...
It happened. I officially puked as a result of a blowout. It wasn't even the sight...OR the smell...I got Marli all cleaned up, threw away her messy diaper, and was turning her soiled footie pajamas inside out in order to wash them when I stuck my arm down one of the legs and SLEEVED MY ARM IN POO. That did it! ICK ICK ICK.
One of Marli's favorite things: Mommy's water bottle. She will grunt and flail her arms without fail each time I pull it out of the fridge.
Tried apples this week! LOVED THEM. I spy a TOOTH!
Such strong legs!
Classic Marli expressions lately...I think the second one is due to her emerging pearly whites!
Wednesday through Sunday Evan was gone SALMON FISHING in ALASKA. Talk about living your best life! Here are some of the pics from his trip...HE HAD A BLAST!! Currently perusing Pinterest for the best salmon recipes...
While our man was off playing in Alaska, I had my own agenda...plans for cleaning our storage unit and time with friends and a lunch with Nana and Grammy and a night at Nana's and a night at Grammy's and Charley's football game, and church in the Sherwood ward! All wrapped up in a pretty pink bow!
Long story short, NOT ONE of those things happened. Poor Charley got sick, and then Marli had some sort of tummy bug that had her spitting up and BLOWING OUT her diapers left and right. Add teething, frequent night wakings, and NO EVAN to the mix... it was a HARD few days. I kept telling myself it could only go "up" from was COMICAL how wrong I was!
Saturday was especially hard. We had planned to go to the coast, but Marli was up all night spitting up, so we stayed home. After bumming around in our jammies and feeling grouchy, I was DETERMINED to do SOMETHING that would make the day at least FEEL more productive.
I was asked to bring a unicorn cake to Reagan's birthday party Sunday night. Earlier in the week I bought a boxed cake mix and found some plastic unicorns at Walmart that I was going to just smash in the middle of it. On a wild hair, I decided to attempt a homemade cake. I surveyed many recipes, figured which ingredients we still needed, packed Marli up, and headed to Winco...
Where she had one of the BIGGEST BLOWOUTS I've ever seen.
Still, I was determined.
Got her cleaned up. Found our ingredients. Headed home.
Cake production time. 3 layers. Fussy Marli. Put her in the backpacking backpack...where she spit-up a few times down my neck and pulled my hair. Oh, and leaked out of her diaper. Again.
Still, I was determined.
1st layer in the oven... getting Marli ready for bath... she peed on the carpet as soon as I bared her bum. As I was cleaning that up, I remembered burned. AND stuck to pan.
Still, I was determined.
I could make it a 2-layer cake instead! Got Marli in bed. Pulled out second layer. Only the edges came out, leaving the middle cemented to pan. And the third layer? It sat too long before baking and the sprinkles (funfetti) melted into the batter and made it tye-dye...
I wasn't determined anymore! BLASTED CAKE! Someday I will make the perfect homemade layered just won't be for a long, long while.
We stuck with the boxed cake and homemade frosting. Found fun sprinkles at Micheal's. Reagan loved it! Tasted good too! Amber said she'd lick it off a toilet seat, so I guess that's a good thing. HA!
Long story short, we were VERY HAPPY when Evan came home! Sometimes, days are like that, I suppose. Here's to a new, fresh week!
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