Monday, January 7, 2019

Copycat, Empty Box Fun, Vampire Baby!

Marli's been climbing on EVERYTHING lately. The other day, she used this foot massager to launch herself onto the brick ledge of the fireplace...

Can she be any cuter?! Riley captured this gem for us

Value Village with Grammy and Aunt Riley! The worker lady lined up these shopping carts before unlocking the doors...maybe we should get her a gun to fire during the 9am start! hahaha!

One of her new favorites...alfredo!



This funny dog...lays with his legs straight behind him!

Some bonding with cousin Henry... We miss him being all the way over in Arizona

Just trying to make Steve jealous...

Oh the endless possibilities of an empty box! And an Uncle Charley!


Something familiar about Grandpa King's face?!

Sunday afternoon card stacking


Not pictured, but SO FUN this week:
  • Hops N Drops with the Nielsen's!
  • Rook with Grandma and Grandpa King on Sunday night. We love spending one on one time with them. Especially when we get to beat them at Rook...hehehe
  • Rook with Riley and Brandon...we reeled them in!
  • First Sunday of 2 hour church! 
Can you believe this little squirt will be a YEAR OLD NEXT MONTH?!!! WHAT THE HECK?!!

CAN I GET A WITNESS?!! (And I only have a wee one and a man to care for...)

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