Wednesday, January 2, 2019

4th Anniversary, 1st Christmas!, FAMILY TIME

WHAT AN AMAZING LAST COUPLE WEEKS!!!! Prepare for a PHOTO DUMP!...I don't want to forget any of it, and I'm a little behind....

Went to dinner with our Nielsen friends. They're soon to be a family of four!

Is it just me, or is Evan in this little girl's face?!!

Marli likes to wake up early to have some time with daddy and the tree before everyone else wakes up...

Getting stronger...

Baby story time...

BLAZER GAME!!!! SO lucky to snag these from my dad - AWESOME seats, and food included!

One of THE BEST SALADS I HAVE EVER EATEN IN THE ENTIRETY OF MY LIIIIIIIIIFE. And I was expecting hot dogs and cheese sauce.

Christmas as a child is magical...but I think watching your own child experience it is even more magical...

FOUR YEARS WITH THIS STUD! Celebrated with Marli at Cheesecake Factory...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAANND!!!! Charley finally got his DOG!!!!

Celebrating the 27 seconds a week when the laundry is ALL DONE.


We all came down with a cold, so we spent some downtime together. I love how much Evan loves kids movies...

IS THIS NOT THE CUTEST HAT YOU'VE EVER SEEN?!! Trista MADE it for Marli! How I miss her...

Soooooooo many Christmas cookies

Last minute Christmas shopping calls for backpacking baby along and breaks for stories!

King Christmas Eve Dinner! Carlos won the ugly sweater contest. Those are cats AND lights! HAHA!

CUTEST reindeer!

Very first present unwrapping experience!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! SO SO SO SO GRATEFUL to have all of family home this year...

Pictures with the King grandkids!

Turned 26! Went out to Killer Burger with the family and then, without knowing the other person's plans, both my mom/sisters AND Evan made me a frosted ice cream cake! Tillamook mudslide ice cream with frosting and THAT'S IT! They know the way to my heart!

Spent some time watching funny family videos

Christmas with Nana and Papa and Lolly and Pete! Missing the McKenzies and Henry!

Oh my GOSH Marli is OBSESSED with this "Baby Shark" video and song on YouTube! Tanner showed it to her while I was showering one day, and she was MESMERIZED

Baby dolly and baby pterodactyl from Nan and Pop! Haha!

KING FAMILY!!!! Can you believe EVERYONE is looking at the camera?!!

MOORE FAM! Even got Jack in there!

Marli has officially mastered this new trick!

Tried Blue Star donuts...not super impressed, but Marli sure liked em!

Spent New Year's Eve with King family playing virtual reality games, card games, and eating some of the most delicious ribs I've ever had.

Can you believe the holidays are over and it's 2019?! We spent the day cleaning and taking down lights and the tree...and then setting some major goals for this year! We're SO excited and grateful for all that's coming in 2019, and for YOU and the role you play in our story!

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