Cutest little cabbage patch dolly I've ever seen!
We LOVE that daddy's jacket can fit us both for our chilly morning walks.
Apple snack break in the middle of the floor! Do you ever feel like sometimes the most humdrum parts of the day unexpectedly turn into the most magical? It was a perfect moment. We were both THERE - me and this precious soul I've wanted SO BADLY, who took FOREVER and a day to get here - just casually snacking on apples...and I wanted it to last forever.
Some of Marli's favorites this week: spaghetti with rolls and steamed broccoli, pb&j w/apples...
Just a friendly PSA: music can be found everywhere.
After a CRAZY morning of running errands while also trying to get some things done around the house, I thought I'd pause and play with Marli with the perfectly clean and WARM white sheets from the dryer. I rolled her up in them, parachuted them around us, danced and laughed...and then Marli spit up. A LOT. ALL OVER THEM. Yet another induction into motherhood, I'm while the sheets were washing was baby!
Nightly shenanigans with dad...
After nap snuggles are my favorite...
MARLI-SAURUS! This might be one of my favorite videos EVER. If you listen closely, you can hear the shrieking responses of ANOTHER baby somewhere in the store! We never did find them...
A dear friend from church brought over this homemade bread and it is THE BEST BREAD I HAVE EVER EATEN. Especially with peach preserves....mmmmmm...
Ate most of the bread in just a few days, and made the last of it into French toast. Because DELICIOUS BREAD plus syrup is always a good idea in our house.
Made a trip to Target with some friends...
This is how Marli expresses her distaste in something...
More snuggles...
Lunch date at Sweet Tomatoes with my mother-in-law! And Marli of course.
Been LOTS more vocal lately...
Pulling herself up on EVERYTHING lately...And yes. I cracked the screen of our monitor. Several times. Apparently it's not "Madi-proof."
More shenanigans with dad....
AND THEN. My friend asked me to come over so I could ear her food and take notes on how she makes her bread. I AM SO GLAD I WENT. She taught me bread secrets. I now have a list of kitchen toys I must purchase in 15 years when we're no longer in school or paying off debts. :)
Besides bread secret, she taught me rice secrets! She heated some leftover brown rice in coconut oil with some shredded coconut, walnuts, and pepitas, then we plated it and added some orange slices and pomegranate seeds. IT WAS SO GOOD!
Such a game changed because RICE = cheap and Madi = excessive rice maker (anyone else master serving sizes for rice or pasta? Because I ALWAYS make enough for a small army...). Could make this same dish savory with green onions and chicken...or anything else!
Baja Fresh date with my two favorites...
We were so spoiled this week! Got to have Olive Garden with Nan and Pop and Peter and some of his friends. Evan was even able to come this time! Marli ate two entire Andes mints...along with bites from everyone else's plates! haha!
Pulled out the Christmas books...not sure why pic is fuzzy. I probably had butter on the camera from all the bread I've been eating this week....
Sunday dinner with Grammy and Grandpa! Quite the spread, as always! Marli bit THROUGH the orange peel and ate lots of the orange! Think we're going to have to get her some cutie oranges...
Think this was my baby doll when I was little...
Conversations with Charley.....WOWWWWW...
Snuggles with mom while we watched a movie...BEST WAY to start a new week...
ALSO - can you believe Marli will be 9 MONTHS THIS WEEK?!! Same time out in the world as she was inside me!
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