Friday, July 17, 2020


Finally getting caught up on the last little bit...
SUCH good little travelers! Because of COVID restrictions, we had ample space, and were allowed to bring Lyla's carseat onto the plane.

And this little one had the perfect set-up! 
Daddy's sweatshirt to swallow her up and everything!

Beautiful Oregon

INSTANT buddies. 
"Come on, CHA-lee!!"

First time ever in a swing.
And, like most things in life,
she LOVED it!

Ice cream = day made

Time with King side, too!

She's officially converted to blueberries.
Don't be fooled by these pictures.
She DEFINITELY ate more than those she picked - haha!

Eventually Lyla got some, too!


Found a little gnome garden!

And a swing! And YOU GUYS this could have been SO BAD...

Of course we bought the sidewalk chalk for MARLI. Why do you ask??

Lots of games

Somehow my roly-poly bug turned 7 months!

Kick-the-can is brought to the next level when Grammy and Pum-Pum join in

I love his love for her.

Evan and I are still perfecting our technique at this one...but SO FUN!

My love for books started next to her, too.

Soooooo what new things have YOU learned how to do during quarantine??

I don't deserve him.

FINALLY went fishing with Pum-Pum.
WHAT A TREAT to get to go with my Marli, dad, and Charley.

So special to get to focus a little more attention on just Marli this time.

I am in awe of her. She just fell asleep MID ROLL.

Like...she just decided it was time for a catnap.
NEVER EVER would have happened with Marli.
Marli would have needed to be swaddled, with a pinky held in her mouth, and me bouncing her on the medicine ball...and possibly the rain stick toy on the side.
My goodness.

Marli asked for watermelon as soon as she stepped on the boat - haha!

So chill.

SO GRATEFUL for the sporadic moments we get with him, when he's not studying.

Random walks here and there.

Good for all of us - not just Jack.

These beauties are MINE!

Lyla's been teething lately

And AGAIN with the sleeping?!! I do not understand.

Staying cool in the sprinklers

I LOVE it!
This is IT!!!!"

Everything's so much more fun with "CHA-lay"

Practicing doctor skills

We are HOME!!!!

Anxiously awaiting Nan, Pop, and Lolly's visit...

SO excited to see them...
SUCH a weird time...

In true Nana fashion...just kept whipping snacks and goodies from various bags and baskets...

Cool spinner toy from Nan

Oh Pop...what I DIDN'T capture was his bum-bounce, and belly bounce!

Getting scolded by Lolly

Flowers from Marli

She told him that she didn't want him to catch her...

Definitely a thrill seeker. She kept telling Evan that she did NOT want him to catch her...

Trying out Charley's new VR games. SO trippy!

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