Thursday, February 14, 2019


HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!! If you're one of the very few family members or friends who read this blog, know that I am SO grateful for you. I LOVE YOU. I wish I could build each of you your own individual layer cake...SOMEDAY I WILL MASTER THE ART OF LAYER CAKE-ING.

Soooo this started before Marli even knew I was watching... BABIES KNOW, YOU GUYS!!!!

True to form...Marli has been LOVING anything strawberry flavored. Especially these yogurt drinks!

Hillary drove us all the way to the nearest Costa Vida for lunch, and then we went to Hobby Lobby...PRETTY SURE BOTH of those places fall into my love language somewhere. And time with this girl.

And then we left to Coleville, WA to visit the Pickering clan! Trying to make the most of our time closer to family before we're on the other side of the country...

Every morning started with ALL FIVE of these kiddos crawling into bed with us. Our Marli, Aubri (almost 7), Gavin (9), Xander (4), and Melody (almost 2). Oh, and their two kitties that Xander LOVES.

Love these two babies and the love they have for each other.

My Valentine's.

Work break to love on us girls! Evan helped put up a storage wall in Bridgette and Jake's upstairs bonus room while we were there.

Pretty much a constant...haha

Most gorgeous view...

Gavin's basketball game!

Between all the little ones, we were able to watch a little bit of Gavin playing! 

Celebrated Chinese New Year with some of Bridgette and Jake's friends, and discovered that Marli LOVES pot stickers. Like, I started considering changing her birthday theme from strawberries to Chinese food. She DEVOURED them. Oh, and kiwis, too!

First ever ponytail!

This little guy gave me all his heart-shaped marshmallows from his Lucky Charms cereal. Don't you just love the way that little kids love?! I wish we were all more like them!

Xander was also quick to remind me of when we made cinnamon rolls together over Thanksgiving. Once they were done, he didn't even want the cinnamon rolls, just "seven scoops of fwaaasting." Me too, buddy. Me too.

The temperatures were WAY too frigid to bring these littles outdoors, so we brought the outdoors, IN!

Explored a magical little antique shop in Coleville...

These two. After their kids were in bed, and Evan was working on school work, and I was reading, they decided they'd better work on the online dance course they're doing. Jake brought home roses and everything for the tango! It was SO AWESOME! hahaha!

Early morning back rubs...

Homemade pizza munching! Bridgette gave me a SUPER recipe for easy pizza crust and sauce, and I'm pretty sure we'll be making that 4 times a week once we're in med school.


Bridgette and Jake treated us to their favorite BBQ place - Backyard BBQ - and it was SO SO GOOD.

Look at those TEETH!!!! Sharing granola bars on the way back home makes the journey more tolerable...

Stopped for a Dairy Queen sanity break for ALL OF US. Driving home from seeing family always seems to take 183756830247593 times longer.

FINALLY HOME! SUCH a fun and FULL week. Now to celebrate Valentine's Day and get ready for Marli's FIRST BIRTHDAY! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!!